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Get Involved: Open Space & Natural Resources - Trail Ambassadors

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Trail Ambassadors


Become the friendly, welcoming face of Douglas County Open Space. Greet visitors and provide them with advice and information to ensure they have safe and enjoyable outdoor experience while also protecting our lands and resources.  You can also have the option to work in a group of two to four volunteers at the trailhead or on the trail, sharing information about  good trail etiquette while also providing friendly reminders to hikers, bikers and riders about how they can best respect the Open Space properties.  

Time Commitment:

* Willing to donate four service hours per month, or 48 service hours per year

Volunteer Benefits:

* Hike a variety of Douglas County Open Space trail routes to assist other trail users and help to protect the land

* Work with other Trail Ambassadors to share trail and property information

* Meet lots of fun hikers who enjoy the outdoors.

* Acquire the satisfaction of giving to the community and the land's natural resources.


Leave No Trace 

Trail host/roving training

Outdoors - Hiking, Communications - Presentations and Interpretation, Maintenance - Open Space Monitoring, Outdoors - Outdoor Skills, Natural Resources - Environment
Public Speaking/Presentations, Environmental Ed/Interpretation, Public Contact /Hosting

Ready to get involved?

Apply online to become a volunteer.

Questions? Contact Ryan Smith
